Dos and Don'ts of A Home Salon Business

Dos and Don'ts of A Home Salon Business

Opening a salon in your home can be a great way to start your salon business, or to cut costs as overheads in rented premises continue to rise.

Setting up a salon business is exciting; designing your salon, choosing your home salon equipment and choosing a name for your home salon business are probably all top of your list of things to do because, well, they're the fun bits, aren't they?!

However, it is important not to get overexcited or cut corners when it comes to regulatory requirements, your well-being, and that of your family or others you live with, and the less glamorous side of any business; accounting.

Here is our guide to some do's and don'ts of setting up your home salon business usefully separated into categories for quick reference.

Check your mortgage or tenancy agreement

  • Don't assume you know what your tenancy or mortgage agreement says about running a business from home; actually read it. There are often clauses that prevent running a business from home. If in doubt speak to your landlord or mortgage company.
  • Don't assume your household insurance will cover your home salon business. You will need to look into a separate business insurance plan.
  • Do consider whether your home is suitable for a home salon business; consider where customers will enter, exit, wait and receive treatments, do you have adequate facilities.
  • Do consider your neighbours/other tenants and whether your home salon business will have a negative impact on them. Make changes or have discussions where required.

Treat it like a real business

  • Don't mix up your household finances with your business finances.
  • Do get a separate business bank account.
  • Don't expect your customers to use the same toilet facilities as your family and vice versa.

Separate work and home life

  • Do set boundaries regarding the hours you will and will not work. Otherwise working from home can easily become all work and no play which can lead to burnout.
  • Do let your family know when your working hours are going to be as soon as you know them, consider putting a calendar in a prominent place which you can fill in. This helps minimise the impact of running a salon business from home on your family. It also ensures they know not to create big disturbances during those hours like practising musical instruments!
  • Do use a separate entrance for your salon business if possible to keep the private areas of your home private.

Taxes and bookkeeping

  • Do start as you mean to go on with your accounts, records and tax information.
  • Do consider using an app to help you with your bookkeeping. There are plenty available just check the reviews and that they offer what you need.
  • Don't forget to register your business with HMRC.

Contact your local council

  • Do check the rules for running a business from home.
  • Do let your local council know that you are intending to run a salon business from your home.
  • Do contact your local planning office if you are making major changes to your home.

Now for the fun bit

Once you've got the essentials covered now you can choose a name for your salon business and plan your decor. Then you can start to shop for your home salon furniture. If you need some help and advice, we'd love to share our years of experience in salon furniture with you, just get in touch with us at Concept Salon Furniture.